Analytical Reagent
Fine Chemical and Industrial Products
Chinese Drugs & Natural Compound & Extract
Organic Fine Chemicals
Materials Science Product
Life Science Products
Isotopes, Deuterium, Radiochemicals
Chromatography Products
Filtration Products
Glassware &Plasticware
Infrared Analysis Product
Electrophoresis Products
Laboratory Equipment
Safety Products
Teaching Products


We specialize in providing the best quality of the Light Stable sotopes,Radioisotope,Deuterium, Carbon-13, Nitrogen-15, Oxygen-18, Sulfur-34. Whether you apply stable isotopes to agriculture, archaeology, ecology, food authenticity, geochemistry or medical research we can provide you with a quality assured service, in good time and at a competitive price.

For Radiochemicals, we offer various products of Hydrogen-3, Carbon-14Mevalonolactones and Isoprenoids, besides, P-32, P-33, S-35, I-125, Ca-45, Cl-36, Cr-51 Nucleotides and Radionuclides are available in very competitive price.

We offer an extensive inventory of isotopically labeled metals which consist of a variety of compounds, forms, isotopes and enrichments of available metals. The enrichments vary per lot, therefore the exact enrichment needs to be determined at the time the order is placed.

Advanced Technology & Industrial Co., Ltd. all rights reserved