Product Name ISRE Reporter Kit (JAK/STAT Signaling Pathway)
Catalogue No. CM902046
Description The ISRE Reporter kit is designed for monitoring the activity of Type I interferon-induced JAK/STAT signaling pathway in the cultured cells. The kit contains transfection-ready ISRE luciferase reporter vector, which is a JAK/STAT pathway-responsive reporter. This reporter contains a firefly luciferase gene under the control of multimerized ISRE responsive element located upstream of a minimal promoter. The ISRE reporter is premixed with constitutively-expressing Renilla (sea pansy) luciferase vector, which serves as an internal control for transfection efficiency. The kit also includes a non-inducible firefly luciferase vector premixed with constitutively-expressing Renilla luciferase vector as a negative control. The noninducible luciferase vector contains a firefly luciferase gene under the control of a minimal promoter, without any additional response elements. The negative control is critical to determining pathway specific effects and background luciferase activity.
Application • Monitor IFNa-induced JAK/STAT signaling pathway activity.
• Screen for activators or inhibitors of the JAK/STAT signaling pathway.
• Study effects of RNAi or gene overexpression on the activity of the JAK/STAT pathway.
Product Type Reporter Assay Kit
Host HEK293
Storage Condition refer to Technology Column

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