Product Name Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
Catalogue No. CM511018
Description Sabouraud Dextrose Agar is a modification of the classical Sabouraud medium for the cultivation of fungi. This new formula helps to maintain the morphological aspects of fungi and thus permits a reliable cultivation and differentiation. Its selectivity is due to a low pH and a high glucose concentration, which together with incubation at a relatively lower temperature (25-30°C) favours the growth of fungi while discouraging that of bacteria. Besides, the composition of this peptone has been studied to provide the fungi with all their nitrogenated nutrient requirements. Since the Sabouraud medium’s strong acid reaction partially hydrolyzes the agar, only the required amount should be prepared and it should not be remelted. Any overheating will considerably diminish its gelling capacity. Should a higher selectivity be required, a variety of inhibitors or selective agents may be added after sterilization, while the medium is still in the molten form. It can even be made differential by ad
Application Medium for the enumeration and cultivation of fungi

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